Medical and Health Department
The District Medical and Health Department is monitors the Public Health Services, prevention and control of communicable dieses and implementation of National and State Health programmes. The DM&HO is responsible for prevention, control and management of endemic and epidemic diseases, health promotion, management of all primary health institutions in rural and urban areas of the District and implementation of Births and Deaths ACT.

National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme. | Revised National TB Control Programme. |
National Leprosy Eradication Programme. | National Program for Control of Blindness. |
Integrated Disease Surveillance Project. | Epidemic Control (G.E., Diarrhea, Cholera and Jaundice). |
National Iodine Deficiency Disorders Control Program. | National Program for prevention and control of diabetic, cancer, cardiovascular disease and Stroke (NPCDCS). |
National Program for Health care of the Elderly (NPHCE). | National Programme for prevention and Control of Fluorosis (NPPCF). |
National Tobacco Control Programme (NTCP) | Rastriya Bala Suraksha Programme (RBSK) |
Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) | Janani Sisu Suraksha Karyakramam (JSSK) |
Pradhana Marnti Matru Vandana Yojana (PMMVY – Talli Bidda Challaga) | 108 Ambulance Services |
104 Mobile Medical Units | 102 Thalli Bidda Express |
YSR Vaidya Seva | YSR Vaidya Parikshalu |
Thalli Suraksha | Baby Kits |
Pattana Aarogya Kendralu | Mahila Master Health Checkup (MMHC) |
Swasthya Vidya Vaahini (SVV) |
Free Entitlements for pregnant women:
- Free and cashless delivery
- Free C-Section
- Free drugs and consumables
- Free diagnostics
- Free diet during stay in the health institutions
- Free provision of blood
- Exemption from user charges
- Free transport from home to health institutions
- Free transport between facilities in case of referral
- Free drop back from Institutions to home after 48 hrs stay
The following are the Free Entitlements for Sick newborns till 30 days after birth.This has now been expanded to cover sick infants:
- Free treatment
- Free drugs and consumables
- Free diagnostics
- Free provision of blood
- Exemption from user charges
- Free Transport from Home to Health Institutions
- Free Transport between facilities in case of referral
- Free drop Back from Institutions to home
Thalli Bidda Challaga (PMMVY) from 1st January 2017:
Under this programme a cash incentive of Rs 5000 would be provided directly in the account of Pregnant Women & Lactation Mothers ( PW& LM) for prime/ first living child of the family subject to their full filling specific conditions maternal & child health as detailed below.
Installment | Conditions | Amount |
First installment | Early registration of pregnancy | Rs 1000/- |
Second installment | Received at least one ANC(can be claimed after 6 months of pregnancy) | Rs 2000/- |
Third installment |
Rs 2000/- |
Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under the Control of DCHS to manage secondary level hospitals. At present 11 CHCs, 1 AH and 1 DH are working in vizianagaram district.
Hospital Activities
APVVP hospitals are First Referral Units (secondary level hospitals) ranging from 30 beds to 350 beds and provide outpatient services, inpatient services (including emergency & surgical), diagnostic services and Medico Legal services. These hospitals also actively participate and act as platform for implementation of various National Health Programs like Malaria, Tuberculosis, Family welfare, AIDS etc.
Name | Designation | Mobile Number |
Dr. S V Ramana Kumari | District Medical and Health Officer | 9849902278 |
Dr. L Rama Mohan | Dy.DMHO | 9573813044 |
Important Site Links
Health Department, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh
Health Department, Govt. of India